Continuous emission monitoring system

Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) is an integrated system to monitor and measure flue gas emission parameters from stationary sources at a wide variety of regulated industrial facilities, including petroleum refineries, waste incinerators, manufacturing, processing, services industry, etc.

Emission monitoring helps to evaluate the efficiency of the production process, the waste gas treatment system, simultaneously, provide online data to aid authorities easier in inspectability, controlling and keeping a close eye on monitor emissions of production units, improve management efficiency, and make practical contributions to environmental protection.

The CEMS system must comply with applicable regulations, specifically, according Circular 10/2021/TT-BTNMT dated June 30th, 2021 on Providing for environment monitoring techniques and Management environmental quality monitoring information and data as well as Decree 08/2022/ND-CP dated January 10th, 2022 about Elaboration of several articles of the law on environmental protection including some basic components as follow (details in below sample model)

Basic components

  • Emission monitoring system: Device measures dust, flow, temperature, pressure (direct method); Gas composition analyzer (direct method or sample extraction)
  • Collection and transmission data devices (dataloggers)
  • Substation and auxiliary systems (including: standard gas cylinders, surveillance camera, lightning protection system, smoke detector, UPSs, …)
  • Data monitoring software on site and at the provincial Department of Natural Resources and Environment

Related solutions

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